Since 2009 we have prepared grant applications for innovative companies and have taken great pride in our grant writing.   By the same token, we have had the privilege of working with great businesses and owners.   Through our grant writing applications we have fostered solid relationships with our clients.  We learn many different facets of individual operations and are able to convey these key points in a more meaningful way inside our grant submissions.  Our grant writing services focus on what makes each individual business unique.  We highlight strengths which better position our clients into successful grant recipients.

Grant Writing Style

Our grant writing style is a very hands on approach.  We don’t start a grant application until we know what to write.  We don’t shoot from the hip; we understand your business.  From an efficiency standpoint this saves time and money.  From a leverage standpoint, we sometimes become the lead in negotiating with government bodies as we come to know individual businesses.  Each client is treated professionally and given the option on how involved they want to become throughout the process. We believe what sets our grant writing services apart, is our never ending attention to detail and ability to structure the grant in a clear and concise manner.  This process is not always easy, but the end result is definitely worth the effort!